[ragel-users] ragel and memory usage

Adrian Thurston thurs... at cs.queensu.ca
Sun Jan 21 06:00:15 UTC 2007

Hi, sorry I didn't notice the message text at the bottom. I'll have a look
at it to find out why it fails when adding the actions mentioned.


> Hi all,
> I'm trying to build a grammar for parsing SIP messages (as in rfc3261),
> but I have encountered a problem that I cannot solve - it seems that
> I've hit a state explosion, since ragel just keeps allocating memory
> and finally dies.
> Here's my grammar (sorry for pasting it here like this)
> --cut--
> %%{
>   machine sip_parser;
>   action mark
>   {
>   }
>   action req_i
>   {
>   }
>   action req_a
>   {
>   }
>   action req_o
>   {
>   }
>   action req_b
>   {
>   }
>   action req_c
>   {
>   }
>   action req_r
>   {
>   }
>   action create_req
>   {
>   }
>   action request_method
>   {
>   }
>   action uri_host
>   {
>   }
>   action done
>   {
>     fbreak;
>   }
>   action uri_port
>   {
>   }
>   action uri_pass
>   {
>   }
>   action uri_user
>   {
>   }
>   action uri_scheme
>   {
>   }
>   action set_req_uri
>   {
>   }
>   action add_param
>   {
>   }
>   action add_param_value
>   {
>   }
>   action uri_query
>   {
>   }
>   CRLF = "\r\n";
>   SP = " ";
>   HTAB = "\t";
>   DQUOTE = "\"";
>   LHEX = digit | [a-f];
>   alphanum = [a-zA-Z0-9];
>   reserved = (";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" |
> ",");
>   mark = ("-" | "_" | "." | "!" | "~" | "*" | "'" | "(" | ")");
>   unreserved = (alphanum | mark);
>   escaped = ("%" xdigit xdigit);
>   LWS = ((" "* CRLF)? " "+);
>   SWS = (LWS?);
>   HCOLON = ((" " | "\t")* ":" SWS);
>   token = (alphanum | "-" | "." | "!" | "%" | "*" | "_" | "+" | "`" |
> "'" | "~" )+;
>   separators = ("(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | "@" | "," | ";" | ":" | "\\" |
> DQUOTE | "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "=" | "{" | "}" | SP | HTAB);
>   word = (alphanum | "-" | "." | "!" | "%" | "*" | "_" | "+" | "`" |
> "'" | "~" | "(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | ":" | "\\" | DQUOTE | "/" | "[" |
> "]" | "?" | "{" | "}")+;
>   STAR   = (SWS "*" SWS);
>   SLASH  = (SWS "/" SWS);
>   EQUAL  = (SWS "=" SWS);
>   LPAREN = (SWS "(" SWS);
>   RPAREN = (SWS ")" SWS);
>   RAQUOT = (">" SWS);
>   LAQUOT = (SWS "<");
>   COMMA  = (SWS "," SWS);
>   SEMI   = (SWS ";" SWS);
>   COLON  = (SWS ":" SWS);
>   qdtext = (LWS | 0x21 | 0x23..0x5B | 0x5D..0x7E);
>   quoted_pair = ("\\" (0x00..0x09 | 0x0B..0x0C | 0x0E..0x7F));
>   quoted_string = (SWS DQUOTE (qdtext | quoted_pair)* DQUOTE);
>   ctext    = (0x21..27 | 0x2A..0x5B | 0x5D..0x7E | LWS);
>   comment_r = (LPAREN? (ctext | quoted_pair) RPAREN?);
>   comment  = (LPAREN (comment_r)* RPAREN);
>   port = digit+;
>   IPv4address =  (digit{1,3} "." digit{1,3} "." digit{1,3} "."
> digit{1,3});
>   toplabel = (alpha | (alpha (alphanum | "-")* alphanum));
>   domainlabel = (alphanum | (alphanum (alphanum | "-")* alphanum));
>   hostname = ((domainlabel ".")* toplabel "."?);
>   host = (hostname | IPv4address);
>   hostport = (host >mark %uri_host (":" port >mark %uri_port)?);
>   password = ((unreserved | escaped | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | "," )*);
>   user_unreserved = ("&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | "," | ";" | "?" | "/");
>   user = ((unreserved | escaped | user_unreserved)+);
>   userinfo = (user >mark %uri_user (":" password >mark %uri_pass)?
> "@");
>   extension_method = token;
>   Method = (("INVITE" %req_i | "ACK" %req_a | "OPTIONS" %req_o | "BYE"
> %req_b | "CANCEL" %req_c | "REGISTER" %req_r | extension_method)) >mark
> %request_method;
>   hnv_unreserved = ("[" | "]" | "|" | "?" | ":" | "+" | "$");
>   hvalue = ((hnv_unreserved | unreserved | escaped)*);
>   hname = ((hnv_unreserved | unreserved | escaped)+);
>   header = (hname "=" hvalue);
>   headers = ("?" header ("&" header)*);
>   param_unreserved = ("[" | "]" | "/" | ":" | "&" | "+" | "$");
>   paramchar = (param_unreserved | unreserved | escaped);
>   pvalue = (paramchar+);
>   pname = (paramchar+);
>   other_param = (pname >mark %add_param ("=" pvalue >mark
> %add_param_value)?);
>   lr_param = "lr" >mark %add_param;
>   maddr_param = "maddr" >mark %add_param "=" host >mark
> %add_param_value;
>   method_param = "method" >mark %add_param "=" Method >mark
> %add_param_value;
>   ttl = (digit{1,3});
>   ttl_param = "ttl" >mark %add_param "=" ttl >mark %add_param_value;
>   other_user = token;
>   user_param = "user" >mark %add_param "=" ("phone" | "ip" |
> other_user) >mark %add_param_value;
>   other_transport = token;
>   transport_param = ("transport" >mark %add_param "=" ("udp" | "tcp" |
> "sctp" | "tls" | other_transport) >mark %add_param_value);
>   uri_parameter = (transport_param | user_param | method_param |
> ttl_param | maddr_param | lr_param | other_param);
>   uri_parameters = ((";" uri_parameter)*);
>   SIP_URI = ("sip:" %{ m_data->m_uri.scheme() = "sip"; } (userinfo)?
> hostport uri_parameters (headers)?);
>   SIPS_URI = ("sips:" %{ m_data->m_uri.scheme() = "sips"; } (userinfo)?
> hostport uri_parameters (headers)?);
>   x_token = ("x-" token);
>   ietf_token = token;
>   extension_token = (ietf_token | x_token);
>   composite_type = ("message" | "multipart" | extension_token);
>   discrete_type = ("text" | "image" | "audio" | "video" | "application"
> | extension_token);
>   m_type = (discrete_type | composite_type);
>   m_value = (token | quoted_string);
>   m_attribute = token;
>   m_parameter = (m_attribute EQUAL m_value);
>   iana_token = token;
>   m_subtype = (extension_token | iana_token);
>   uric           = (reserved | unreserved | escaped);
>   query          = (uric*);
>   reg_name       = (unreserved | escaped | "$" | "," | ";" | ":" | "@"
> | "&" | "=" | "+" )+;
>   srvr           = ((userinfo "@")? hostport)?;
>   authority      = (srvr | reg_name);
>   scheme         = (alpha (alpha | digit | "+" | "-" | "." )*);
>   pchar          = (unreserved | escaped | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+"
> | "$" | ",");
>   param          = (pchar*);
>   segment        = (pchar* (";" param)*);
>   path_segments  = (segment ("/" segment)*);
>   uric_no_slash  = (unreserved | escaped | ";" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&"
> | "=" | "+" | "$" | ",");
>   opaque_part    = (uric_no_slash uric*);
>   abs_path       = ("/" path_segments);
>   net_path       = ("//" authority (abs_path)?);
>   hier_part      = ((net_path | abs_path) ("?" query >mark
> %uri_query)?);
>   absoluteURI    = (scheme >mark %uri_scheme ":" (hier_part |
> opaque_part));
>   gen_value = (token | host | quoted_string);
>   generic_param = (token (EQUAL gen_value)?);
>   qvalue = (("0" ("." digit{,3})?) | ("1" ("." ("0"){,3})?));
>   accept_param = (("q" EQUAL qvalue) | generic_param);
>   media_range = (("*" "/" "*" | ( m_type SLASH "*" ) | ( m_type SLASH
> m_subtype )) (SEMI m_parameter)*);
>   accept_range = (media_range (SEMI accept_param)*);
>   Accept = ("Accept" HCOLON (accept_range (COMMA accept_range)*))?;
>   content_coding   = (token);
>   codings          = (content_coding | "*");
>   encoding         = (codings (SEMI accept_param)*);
>   Accept_Encoding  = ("Accept-Encoding" HCOLON (encoding (COMMA
> encoding)*)?);
>   language_range   = (((alpha{1,8} ("-" alpha{1,8})*) | "*" ));
>   language         = (language_range (SEMI accept_param)*);
>   Accept_Language  = ("Accept-Language" HCOLON (language (COMMA
> language)*)?);
>   alert_param      = (LAQUOT absoluteURI RAQUOT (SEMI generic_param
> )*);
>   Alert_Info       = ("Alert-Info" HCOLON alert_param (COMMA
> alert_param)*);
>   Allow            = ("Allow" HCOLON (Method (COMMA Method)*)?);
>   opaque           = ("opaque" EQUAL quoted_string);
>   algorithm        = ("algorithm" EQUAL ("MD5" | "MD5-sess" | token));
>   realm_value      = (quoted_string);
>   realm            = ("realm" EQUAL realm_value);
>   auth_scheme      = (token);
>   auth_param_name  = (token);
>   auth_param       = (auth_param_name EQUAL (token | quoted_string));
>   other_response   = (auth_scheme LWS auth_param (COMMA auth_param)*);
>   request_digest   = (LDQUOT LHEX{32} RDQUOT);
>   dresponse        = ("response" EQUAL request_digest);
>   nonce_value      = (quoted_string);
>   nonce            = ("nonce" EQUAL nonce_value);
>   nc_value         = (LHEX{8});
>   nonce_count      = ("nc" EQUAL nc_value);
>   cnonce_value     = (nonce_value);
>   cnonce           = ("cnonce" EQUAL cnonce_value);
>   qop_value        = ("auth" | "auth-int" | token);
>   message_qop      = ("qop" EQUAL qop_value);
>   digest_uri_value = (absoluteURI); # fixme
>   digest_uri       = ("uri" EQUAL LDQUOT digest_uri_value RDQUOT);
>   username_value   = (quoted_string);
>   username         = ("username" EQUAL username_value);
>   dig_resp         = (username | realm | nonce | digest_uri | dresponse
> | algorithm | cnonce | opaque | message_qop | nonce_count |
> auth_param);
>   digest_response  = (dig_resp (COMMA dig_resp)*);
>   credentials      = (("Digest" LWS digest_response) | other_response);
>   Authorization    = ("Authorization" HCOLON credentials);
>   response_digest      = (LDQUOT LHEX* RDQUOT);
>   response_auth        = ("rspauth" EQUAL response_digest);
>   nextnonce            = ("nextnonce" EQUAL nonce_value);
>   ainfo                = (nextnonce | message_qop | response_auth |
> cnonce | nonce_count);
>   Authentication_Info  = ("Authentication-Info" HCOLON ainfo (COMMA
> ainfo)*);
>   callid   =  (word ("@" word)?);
>   Call_ID  = (( "Call-ID" | "i" ) HCOLON callid);
>   info_param  = (("purpose" EQUAL ("icon" | "info" | "card" | token)) |
> generic_param);
>   info        = (LAQUOT absoluteURI RAQUOT (SEMI info_param)*);
>   Call_Info   = ("Call-Info" HCOLON info (COMMA info)*);
>   delta_seconds      = (digit+);
>   contact_extension  = (generic_param);
>   c_p_expires    = ("expires" EQUAL delta_seconds);
>   c_p_q          = ("q" EQUAL qvalue);
>   contact_params = (c_p_q | c_p_expires);
>   display_name   = ((token LWS)* | quoted_string);
>   addr_spec      = (SIP_URI | SIPS_URI | absoluteURI);
>   name_addr      = ((display_name)? LAQUOT addr_spec RAQUOT);
>   contact_param  = ((name_addr | addr_spec) (SEMI contact_params)*);
>   Contact     = (("Contact" | "m" ) HCOLON (STAR | (contact_param
> (COMMA contact_param)*)));
>   disp_extension_token  = (token);
>   other_handling        = (token);
>   handling_param        = ("handling" EQUAL ( "optional" | "required" |
> other_handling));
>   disp_param            = (handling_param | generic_param);
>   disp_type             = ("render" | "session" | "icon" | "alert" |
> disp_extension_token);
>   Content_Disposition   = ("Content-Disposition" HCOLON disp_type (SEMI
> disp_param)*);
>   Content_Encoding  = (("Content-Encoding" | "e" ) HCOLON
> content_coding (COMMA content_coding)*);
>   subtag            = (alpha{1,8});
>   primary_tag       = (alpha{1,8});
>   language_tag      = (primary_tag ("-" subtag)*);
>   Content_Language  = ("Content-Language" HCOLON language_tag (COMMA
> language_tag)*);
>   Content_Length    = (("Content-Length" | "l") HCOLON digit+);
>   media_type        = (m_type SLASH m_subtype (SEMI m_parameter)*);
>   Content_Type      = (("Content-Type" | "c" ) HCOLON media_type);
>   CSeq = ("CSeq" HCOLON digit+ LWS Method);
>   message_header = (Accept |
>                     Accept_Encoding |
>                     Accept_Language |
>                     Alert_Info |
>                     Allow |
>                     Authentication_Info |
>                     Authorization |
>                     Call_ID |
>                     Call_Info |
>                     Contact |
>                     Content_Disposition |
>                     Content_Encoding |
>                     Content_Language |
>                     Content_Length |
>                     Content_Type |
>                     CSeq) CRLF;
>   SIP_Version    = "SIP" "/" digit "." digit;
>   Request_URI    = SIP_URI | SIPS_URI | absoluteURI;
>   Request_Line   = Method %create_req SP Request_URI %set_req_uri SP
> SIP_Version CRLF;
>   Request        = Request_Line (message_header)* CRLF;
> main := Request;
> }%%
> %% write data;
> --cut--
> I think that problems is somewhere around this line:
> hier_part      = ((net_path | abs_path) ("?" query >mark %uri_query)?);
> if I remove the ">mark %uri_query" part, ragel is able to complete the
> operation.
> Can anyone give me some clues what's gone bad?
> tia,
> d
> >

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