Scanners inside of scanners? A better way to avoid conflicts?

Jason Garber j... at
Tue Jun 17 03:15:30 UTC 2008

In RedCloth, we have a problem where an _emphasized_ bit of text can  
have _(myclass#myid)a CSS class and/or id_ but shouldn't have a class  
or id if the whole emphasis is in parentheses _(practically speaking) 
_.  Consider this example (simplified):

in: "before _(in parens)_ after"
expected: "<p>before <em>(in parens)</em> after</p>"
but was: "<p>before <em class=\"in parens\">in parens)</em> after</p>"
It simultaneously pursues the possibilities that the parenthesized  
text is the class and that it's just regular parenthesized text  
inside the em.  When the class possibility doesn't work out, the  
final state is the regular text part but the class has already been  

C = "(" ( [^)#]+ >A %{ STORE(class) } )? ("#" [^)]+ >A %{STORE 
(id)} )? ")"
mtext = ( chars (mspace chars)* ) ;
em = "_" >X C? mtext >A %T :> "_" ;
# The >X resets the register from the last match, >A registers the  
beginning of a string and the STORE saves it away.

I tried having the class info get written to a buffer that was then  
captured with a leaving action, which works for the class part, but I  
again run into the same problem with capturing the text because the  
right side of the union matches also, so it captures too much text.   
Whichever side of the vertical pipe writes last, wins.

C = "(" ( [^)#]+ >A %{ STORE(class_buf) } )? ("#" [^)]+ >A %{STORE 
(id_buf)} )? ")"
C_mtext = (C %{ STORE_ATTRIBUTES(); } mtext >A %{STORE(text)} | mtext  
 >B %{ STORE_B(text); });
# SET_ATTRIBUTES copies the attributes from their buffers and stores  
them where they belong.

results in...
expected: "<p><span class=\"myclass\">SPAN</span></p>"
  but was: "<p><span class=\"myclass\">(myclass)SPAN</span></p>"

Really what I want is for it to try the first pattern (with the C)  
and, if that fails, try the second (the plain ol' mtext).  Sounds  
like a scanner to me.  Problem is, I'm already inside a scanner, so  
it won't let me call a scanner from within a pattern.

Got any ideas?


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