Newbie question: an extended comma or tab separated (CSV/TSV) Ragel scanner

Heiko heiko.pael... at
Sat Jun 28 15:52:35 UTC 2008

Dear list members,

I am trying to implement a CSV scanner based on the fantastic Ragel,
with a small few modifications to the standard:

- it should work for different types of Unix/Mac/Windows line endings
( \n, \r, \r\n)
- it should use both commas and tabs as item separators
- it should honour quoted values
- it should collapse multiple empty lines into single line
separators ...

I have written the following ragel code (below) to accomplish this,
but there is a problem that I cannot locate ...
When the line endings are \r (CR), everything seems to work fine,
however, if they are \n (LF), the first character of the next field is
swallowed by the scanner ....
I am pulling my hair out, and suspect it has to do with ambiguities in
the definition of the scanner. I am also unsure as to which transition
action I should choose (currently '@').

Does anyone have any ideas?


//  csv_parse.m
//  RagelCsv

#define HPDEBUG 1
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

void csv_parse(unsigned char *input, size_t len, NSMutableArray
**parsedData, long *maxcols, long *nlines, long *nrecords) {
    long tempmaxcols=0, tempnrecords=0;
    int cs=0, act, curline = 1; //ragel variables to keep states
    unsigned char *tokstart = NULL, *tokend = NULL; //ragel variables
for Scanner
	unsigned char *p = input, *pe = input + len; //ragel variables to
keep track of position in stream
    NSMutableArray *row=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; //Array to hold
elements from each row/record
	NSMutableArray *tempParsedData=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; //
Array of row arrays
	NSString *coldata; //string that holds entry in field
	NSMutableString *tempInputString=[NSString stringWithUTF8String:(char

//On UNIX, text file line-endings are terminated with a newline (n),
also referred to as a linefeed (LF).
//On Windows, line-endings are terminated with a combination of a
carriage return (r) and a newline(n), also referred to as CR/LF.
//On the Mac Classic, line-endings are terminated with a single
carriage return (CR). (Mac OS X uses the UNIX convention.)

//A line is delimited by any of these characters, the longest possible
sequence being preferred to any shorter:
//U+000D (\r or CR) //U+2028 (Unicode line separator) //U+000A (\n or
LF) //U+2029 (Unicode paragraph separator)
// \r\n, in that order (also known as CRLF)

//append end of line if not present so we can obtain all records.
[row autorelease];

    machine csv_scan;
	alphtype unsigned char;

	newline =('\r\n') | ('\n') | ('\r') %{
         curline += 1;
	multiline =(('\r\n') | ('\n') | ('\r')).(('\r\n') | ('\n') | ('\r'))
+  @{
         curline += 1;

	ws = ' ';
    Separator = [,\t];
	UnQuotedValue = [^ \t",\r\n].[^"\t,\r\n]*;
	QuotedChar = ( '""' | [^"] | (newline|multiline) );
    QuotedValue = '"' . QuotedChar* . '"';

    main := |*
      multiline     @{
		if ([coldata length]==0)
			coldata=(NSString *)[NSNull null];
		[row addObject:coldata];
		if(!row) row=[NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:[NSNull null]];
		[tempParsedData addObject:row];
		if ([row count] >tempmaxcols) tempmaxcols=[row count];
		row=[NSMutableArray array];
		if (HPDEBUG) NSLog(@"multiline");
      newline  @{
		if ([coldata length]==0)
			coldata=(NSString *)[NSNull null];
		[row addObject:coldata];
		if(!row) row=[NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:[NSNull null]];
		[tempParsedData addObject:row];
		if ([row count] >tempmaxcols) tempmaxcols=[row count];
		row=[NSMutableArray array];
		if (HPDEBUG) NSLog(@"newline");
      Separator {
		if ([coldata length]==0)
			coldata=(NSString *)[NSNull null];
		[row addObject:coldata];
if (HPDEBUG) NSLog(@"separator");

      UnQuotedValue {
          unsigned char ch, *endp;
          int datalen;
          datalen = tokend - tokstart;
          endp = tokend - 1;
          while(datalen>0) {
              ch = *endp--;
/*              if (ch==' ' || ch=='\t') {*/
              if (ch==' ') {
              } else {

          if (datalen==0) {
				coldata = (NSString *)[NSNull null];
          } else {
				coldata=[NSString stringWithString:[tempInputString
substringWithRange:NSMakeRange((int)(tokstart-input), datalen)]];
	 if (HPDEBUG)		  		  NSLog(@"Unquoted value: %@",coldata);
      QuotedValue {
          unsigned char ch, *start_p, *wptr, *rptr;
          int rest, datalen;
          start_p = wptr = tokstart;
          rptr = tokstart + 1;
          rest = tokend - tokstart - 2;
          datalen = 0;
          while(rest>0) {
              ch = *rptr++;
              if (ch=='"') {
              *wptr++ = ch;
		  tempInputString=[NSString stringWithUTF8String:(char *)input]; //
reset tempInputString after messing with chars in input
		  coldata=[NSString stringWithString:[tempInputString
substringWithRange:NSMakeRange((int)(start_p-input), datalen)]];
	if (HPDEBUG)						NSLog(@"  Quoted value: %@",coldata);
%% write data nofinal;

%%write init;
%%write exec;
%%write eof;

    if(row) {
//	  [tempParsedData addObject:row];
//	  if ([row count] >tempmaxcols) tempmaxcols=[row count];
//	  [row autorelease];


if ( cs == csv_scan_error ) {
           NSLog(@"CSVscan parse error on line %d.", curline);



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