[ragel-users] Detect keywords with a ragel scanner

Alec Tica alexandru.tica at gmail.com
Thu Jul 14 21:20:42 UTC 2011


I'm new to Ragel and I'm trying to figure out how to solve,
apparently, a very simple problem. Let's say I have the following

"select 1 from dual;select 2 from dual;/*comment*/select 3 from dual;select"

I want to detect all "select" keywords using a scanner but taking into
consideration the word boundaries. "select" is a keyword only if:

1. starts at: the very beginning of the text or it has a whitespace
before or a comment or a statement separator (;)
2. ends at: the very end of the text or it has a whitespace after or a
comment or a statement separator (;)
3. is not within quotes
4. is not part of a comment

Till now I have:

  machine example;

  action is_eof {
    true if p == eof - 1

  # eof
  EOF = zlen when is_eof;

  # strings
  squoted_string = ['] ( (any - [''])** ) ['];
  dquoted_string = '"' ( any )* :>> '"';

  # comments
  ml_comment = '/*' ( any )* :>> '*/';
  sl_comment = '--' ( any )* :>> ('\n' | EOF);
  comment = ml_comment | sl_comment;

  tail = space | comment | ';' | EOF;

  # keyword
  select = 'select' . tail;

  main := |*
    select => { puts "found at #{ts}-#{te}" };


%% write data;

data = 'unselect 1 from dual;select 2 from dual;/*comment*/select 3
from dual;select'
# convert the provided string in a stream of chars
stream_data = data.unpack("c*") if(data.is_a?(String))
eof = stream_data.length

%% write init;
%% write exec;

Of course, the above scanner incorrectly matches the "unselect" word
from the data. Anyway, I feel that I'm not on the right track
therefore I'd like to ask for your advice.

Many thanks in advance!


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