[ragel-users] parsing c comments

Adrian Thurston thurston at complang.org
Fri Sep 16 18:31:32 UTC 2011

Either you have to hack the string you've captured, like you did in this 
solution, or you have to use a scanner. This parsing problem requires 
delaying the action on the first '*' since you don't know if it is a 
containing '*', or the first character in the terminating string.

On 11-09-16 11:12 AM, Henrique Pantarotto wrote:
> Well, I solved this problem by using something like this:
> action mark { text_start = fpc; }
> action show { printf("'%.*s'\n", fpc - text_start - 1, text_start); }
> main := '/*' >mark any* :>> '*/' @show;
> I don't know if this is the "correct way" to solve this, but it worked. ;-)
> Thanks
> On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 6:37 PM, Henrique Pantarotto <ragel at henpa.com
> <mailto:ragel at henpa.com>> wrote:
>     Hi, I've read the ragel manual a couple of times and searched the
>     mailing list and I couldn't find the solution to this problem. I
>     imagine the solution is there somewhere, but I couldn't find it
>     since I couldn't search the mailing list archive properly.
>     BTW, I don't really need to parse c comments, but I found this
>     example to match perfectly what I am trying to accomplish. I'm
>     really trying to parse and print data separated by a multi-character
>     token.
>     Page 29 of Ragel 6.7 manual shows an example on how to properly
>     parse C language comments, but the action @comm also parses the *
>     caracter at the ending "*/" as shown in the Graphviz image.
>     I tried many ways to solve this problem, but I couldn't do it. Can
>     someone help?
>     action comm { printf("%c", fc); }
>     p = "/* foo *** bar */";
>     I tried:
>     main := '/*' (any* -- '/*')@comm '*/';
>     main := '/*' any*@comm :>> '*/';
>     main := '/*' ( ( any @comm )* - ( any* '*/' any* ) ) '*/';
>     But it always prints: "foo *** bar *" (note the * at the end) and I
>     looking for a way for it to print just " foo *** bar ".
>     Is there an easy way to fix this?
>     Thanks in advance!
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