[ragel-users] Issue with rust on

Adrian Thurston thurston at colm.net
Wed Oct 10 11:17:18 UTC 2018



Short answer: you need to use fnbreak. 

In languages that do not have a goto statement, fbreak, fgoto, etc
cannot be implemented the same way they are implemented in C. In ragel 6
those statements fall through if there is no goto, which is not good.
Totally inconsistent. In ragel 7 they have been removed and you need to
use the fall through versions instead. fnbreak stands for f-next-break.
It will break after the action list has been executed, instead of
immediately jumping out of the list. 


On 2018-09-04 02:19, 王納米 wrote: 

> Hi. I'm using ragel-7 with host lang being Rust and encountered "cannot use fbreak in -B mode". 
> I did some digging with the code yet got no luck by far. Seems like some arguments are not available by now?
> Would like to provide some re-pro case. 
> Thanks! 
> --- 
> Nami W 
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