[ragel-users] -G2 -Z generating an incorrect FSM

Adrian Thurston thurston at colm.net
Fri Nov 8 07:59:58 EST 2019

Hi Karl,

Thank you for the report. It seems fbreak in an EOF action is not well 
defined. This is an unusual thing to do (from my point of view), but 
this should be corrected regardless.

Will add a github issue.

See attached patch for a quick fix. I haven't fully tested this patch on 
other ragel programs, but in your case it corrects the issue and does 
nothing else.

Thank you,

On 2019-11-08 02:04, Karl Stenerud wrote:
> I have a ragel machine that generates passing Go code when built with
> -G1, but failing code when built with -G2 (using ragel 6.10 on
> ubuntu).
> Given the following machine definition:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> package safe16l
> import (
>     "fmt"
> )
> %%{
>     machine safe16;
>     access this.;
>     numeric_hi = [0-9] @{
>         accumulator = (fc - '0') << 4
>     };
>     af_hi = [a-f] @{
>         accumulator = (fc - 'a' + 10) << 4
>     };
>     AF_hi = [A-F] @{
>         accumulator = (fc - 'A' + 10) << 4
>     };
>     numeric_lo = [0-9] @{
>         accumulator |= fc - '0'
>     };
>     af_lo = [a-f] @{
>         accumulator |= fc - 'a' + 10
>     };
>     AF_lo = [A-F] @{
>         accumulator |= fc - 'A' + 10
>     };
>     sequence = space* (numeric_hi | af_hi | AF_hi) space* (numeric_lo
> | af_lo | AF_lo) %{
>         dst[dstIndex] = accumulator
>         dstIndex++
>     };
>     length_nocontinue = [0-7] @{
>         this.length = this.length << 3 + int(fc - '0')
>     };
>     length_numeric = [8-9] @{
>         this.length = this.length << 3 + int(fc - '0')
>     };
>     length_af = [a-f] @{
>         this.length = this.length << 3 + int(fc - 'a' + 10 - 8)
>     };
>     length_AF = [A-F] @{
>         this.length = this.length << 3 + int(fc - 'A' + 10 - 8)
>     };
>     length = (length_numeric | length_af | length_AF)*
> length_nocontinue;
>     sequence_counted = sequence %{
>         fmt.Printf("### End of sequence\n")
>         this.length--
>         if this.length == 0 {
>             this.isComplete = true
>             fbreak;
>         }
>     };
>     main := length sequence_counted* @/{
>         err = fmt.Errorf("Incomplete document")
>     };
> }%%
> %% write data;
> type Parser struct {
>     cs int // Current Ragel state
>     data []byte
>     length int
>     isComplete bool
> }
> func (this *Parser) Init() {
> }
> func NewParser() *Parser {
>     this := new(Parser)
>     return this
> }
> func (this *Parser) Parse(src []byte, dst []byte) (bytesWritten int,
> isComplete bool, err error) {
>     this.data = src
>     p := 0 // Position: current
>     pe := len(this.data) // Position: end of buffer
>     // TODO: Change to -1 and check for end of file
>     eof := pe // Position: end of file
>     accumulator := byte(0)
>     dstIndex := 0
>     _ = eof
>     %%{
>         write init;
>         write exec;
>     }%%
>     if this.cs == safe16_error {
>         err = fmt.Errorf("Parse error at %v", p)
>     }
>     return dstIndex, this.isComplete, err
> }
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> And the following test code:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> package safe16l
> import (
>     "bytes"
>     "testing"
> )
> func testSafe16L(t *testing.T, src string, expected []byte) {
>     dst := make([]byte, len(src))
>     parser := NewParser()
>     bytesWritten, isComplete, err := parser.Parse([]byte(src), dst)
>     if err != nil {
>         t.Error(err)
>     }
>     if !isComplete {
>         t.Errorf("Sequence [%v]: Incomplete parse", src)
>     }
>     actual := dst[:bytesWritten]
>     if !bytes.Equal(actual, expected) {
>         t.Errorf("Sequence [%v]: Expected %v but got %v", src,
> expected, actual)
>     }
> }
> func TestSafe16L(t *testing.T) {
>     testSafe16L(t, "100", []byte{0x00})
> }
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> With G1:
> $ ragel -Z -G1 safe16l.rl && go test
> ### End of sequence
> ok   github.com/kstenerud/go-safe16 [1] 0.001s
> With G2:
> $ ragel -Z -G2 safe16l.rl && go test
> ### End of sequence
> --- FAIL: TestSafe16L (0.00s)
>     parser_test.go:14: Parse error at 4
> exit status 1
> FAIL github.com/kstenerud/go-safe16 [1] 0.001s
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Looking at the generated code, I see this in the -G2 version:
> //line safe16l.rl:51
>         fmt.Printf("### End of sequence\n")
>         this.length--
>         if this.length == 0 {
>             this.isComplete = true
>             {p++;  this.cs = 0; goto _out }
>         }
> I'm not sure why cs would be set to 0 here. This isn't an error state
> as far as I can tell...
> Cheers,
> Karl
> Links:
> ------
> [1] http://github.com/kstenerud/go-safe16
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Dr. Adrian D. Thurston
Chief Scientist
Colm Networks
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