[ragel-users] Generating code for gcc 2.95

Eric Brown yogieric at mac.com
Wed Feb 18 08:29:15 UTC 2009

I have a customer still deploying to rather old/stable systems that  
run on gcc 2.95.

The only problem I'm noticing is that gcc 2.95 wants all variables  
declared at the top of a scope. Ragel is generating something like  
this: (which generates a syntax error when it sees const)
         if ( _msg_eof_trans[cs] > 0 ) {
                 _trans = _msg_eof_trans[cs] - 1;
                 goto _eof_trans;
         const char *__acts = _msg_actions + _msg_eof_actions[cs];
         unsigned int __nacts = (unsigned int) *__acts++;
         while ( __nacts-- > 0 ) {
                 switch ( *__acts++ ) {
                 case 12:
                         { p--; {stack[top++] = cs; cs = 176; goto  
_again;} }

If I add one layer of scope, gcc 2.95 compiles properly:
         if ( _msg_eof_trans[cs] > 0 ) {
                 _trans = _msg_eof_trans[cs] - 1;
                 goto _eof_trans;
         const char *__acts = _msg_actions + _msg_eof_actions[cs];
         unsigned int __nacts = (unsigned int) *__acts++;
         while ( __nacts-- > 0 ) {
                 switch ( *__acts++ ) {
                 case 12:
                         { p--; {stack[top++] = cs; cs = 176; goto  
_again;} }

I hate to manually hack the ragel output this way. If there's a ragel  
or gcc option I'm missing, please let me know.

Got around this by using flat table-driven FSM (-F1). Still thought  
the problems I was having were worth mentioning here.


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