[ragel-users] Problem generating code.

Husam Senussi husam at senussi.com
Sun May 9 20:43:02 UTC 2010


I'm trying to create RFC2822 parer but I'm having problem generating the code for some reason ragel keep running until I press CTRL C "was running for 20 minutes", below
the grammar I'm trying to use.

	machine rfc2822_header;
	# Common ABNF rules
	cr				= "\r";
	lf				= "\n";
	crlf				= cr lf;
	sp  				= " ";
	tab 				= "\t";
	wsp				= (sp | tab);
	obs_fws     		= wsp+ ( crlf wsp+ )*;
	fws         			= ( ( wsp* crlf )? wsp+ ) | obs_fws;
	NO_WS_CTL 	= 0x01..0x08 | "\v" | "\f" | 0x0e..0x1f | 0x7f;
	# Rules to consume comments
	consumeAny       = any - (")" | ")") | "(" @{fcall consumeComments;};
	consumeComments := consumeAny+ ")" $!{fhold; fret; };			
	startComment     = "(" @{fcall consumeComments;};
	CFWS             = ( fws? startComment )* ( ( fws? startComment ) | fws ); 

	ctext 			= NO_WS_CTL | 0x21..0x27 | 0x2a..0x5b;
	obs_char 		= 0x00..0x09 | "\v" | "\f" | 0x0e..0x7f;
	obs_text 		= "\n"* "\r"* ( obs_char "\n"* "\r"* )*;
	text 				= 0x01..0x09 | "\v" | "\f" | 0x0e..0x7f | obs_text;
	obs_qp 			= "\\" 0x00..0x7f;
	quoted_pair 		= ( "\\" text ) | obs_qp;
	dtext 			= NO_WS_CTL | 0x21..0x5a;
	dcontent 		= dtext | quoted_pair;
	atext 			= alpha | digit | "!" | "#" | "$" | "%" | "&" | "'" | "*" | "+" | "-" | "/" | "=" | "?" | "^" | "_" | "`" | "{" | "|" | "}" | "~";
	dot_atom_text 	= atext+ ( "." atext+ )*;
	dot_atom 		= CFWS? dot_atom_text CFWS?;
	qtext 			= NO_WS_CTL | "!" | 0x23..0x5b | 0x5d..0x7e;
	qcontent 		= qtext | quoted_pair;
	quoted_string 	= CFWS? "\"" ( fws? qcontent )* fws? "\"" CFWS?;
	atom 			= CFWS? atext+ CFWS?;
	word 			= atom | quoted_string;
	# Return-Path field.
	domain_literal 	= CFWS? "[" ( fws? dcontent )* fws? "]" CFWS?;
	obs_domain 		= atom ( "." atom )*;
	domain 			= dot_atom | domain_literal | obs_domain;
	obs_domain_list = "@" domain ( ( CFWS | "," )* CFWS? "@" domain )*;
	obs_route 		= CFWS? obs_domain_list ":" CFWS?;
	obs_local_part 	= word ( "." word )*;
	local_part 		= dot_atom | quoted_string | obs_local_part;
	addr_spec 		= local_part "@" domain;
	obs_angle_addr 	= CFWS? "<" obs_route? addr_spec ">" CFWS?;
	obs_path 		= obs_angle_addr;
	path 	   		= ( CFWS? "<" ( CFWS? | addr_spec ) ">" CFWS? ) | obs_path;
	obs_return 		= "Return-Path" wsp* ":" path crlf;
	obs_fields	 = obs_return;
	main  		:= obs_fields;

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